29 Quotes & Sayings By Mary J Williams

Mary J. Williams is an award-winning author of historical romances and contemporary romantic suspense. She is the winner of the HOLT Medallion, the Carol Award and many other awards and accolades. She has been a finalist for the Romance Writers of America RITA, and has been a finalist for the Holt Medallion and Christy Award.

You're right. What Drew and I had was genuine. He loved me. That doesn't mean he didn't change his mind. Mary J. Williams
She wanted him to leave town with a smile on his face. She wanted to be memorable. Mary J. Williams
I'm going to find ways to make you blush, just so I can enjoy the journey. Mary J. Williams
I made the first move. Now it's up to him." " Telling him you should hit the sack and get it out of your system is not making the first move. Mary J. Williams
Well, she was through. If he wanted her, he'd have to do something about it. Mary J. Williams
I want you to stay here ...with me." " All night?" " All night." Drew cupped her face with his hands giving her a gentle kiss. "In my arms. Mary J. Williams
She looks like a Disney princess, but is a total badass. Mary J. Williams
I prefer doing over watching. Mary J. Williams
There was no substitute for a post-coital cuddle. Mary J. Williams
He opted for a flaky, apricot-filled croissant and Columbian coffee. Dani chided him for being unimaginative, then proceeded to eat most of his, while ignoring her own. " I'd be glad to buy you one." Dani gave him a wide-eyed, innocent stare, then popped the last bit of his breakfast into her mouth. " I couldn't eat another bite. Mary J. Williams
We've been given a second chance. How many people can say that? Mary J. Williams
Alex had a nice big cock and knew how to use it. Mary J. Williams
Why is the TV on, and why aren't you on the way to naked?"... " My head and the rest of me" - he drew her attention to his erection - "heard sex. No putting that genie back in the lamp... Mary J. Williams
I'd rather have sex than dessert. Mary J. Williams
She wasn't going to explain how the morning she woke up alone she had gone back to the same salon that had cut and dyed her hair and had the woman change the color back. She wasn't going to tell him that she hadn't been able to stand the thought of looking into the mirror to see that girl anymore. The girl who had been born the day she met Alex and died the day he left. Mary J. Williams
I guess you can't estimate the speed of a teenage boy when he thinks he has a shot at sex. He never had a shot. But if he was that fast removing his pants, can you imagine how quick the sex would have been? Mary J. Williams
How devastating to find 'the one' and not be 'their one. Mary J. Williams
Something tells me that Alex has some demons and I can tell you from experience that those suckers don't go down easy. Mary J. Williams
He'd gotten in a quick swipe with his tongue the moment he'd been close enough to reach. Then, just to be sure, he went in for another sample, bathing Alex's leg with saliva, careful to miss the dangly bits between the man's legs. Edgar didn't get what the big deal was. He licked himself there all the time. However, Jack made a big deal out of it so he avoided that area like he'd been taught. Mary J. Williams
Is there a problem? I mean, I wasn't expecting you, or anyone, tonight." Drew held out a hand to help her from the car, snatching it back when she got out on her own." There is a problem."" What?" He tensed. "Did M.J. come back? Is he giving you trouble?"" I can handle my brother." Tyler moved closer. Drew stepped back, his eyes suddenly wary. Sighing she grabbed the front of his t-shirt, the fingers of her other hand threading through his thick, dark hair. Soft. She remembered the feel like it was yesterday. Her hope had been that he would as eager as she was. The attraction was still there, it was time to do something about it. Apparently he wasn't going to make this easy. So she did what she had all those years ago when he wouldn't make the first move–she kissed him first. Prime rib to a starving man. Ten years without even a taste, Drew couldn't help but devour her. The kiss was primal, out of control. Mouths seeking the angle after angle, tongues duelings. And the way Tyler tasted. Sweet and spicy and utterly delicious. In his dreams, he imagined this differently. Slower. He would show her how a man kissed as opposed to the boy he had been. One touch of her lips on his and all those grand plans flew out the window along with any common sense he ever possessed. Tyler was in his arms. Familiar yet new. He needed her and he was never letting go. Drew's hands went under the hem of her shirt slowly sliding up her smooth, hot skin. He could feel the erotic combination of vulnerability and strength in the subtle muscles of her back. She had filled out, they both had. He wanted to spend days discovering all the differences then start all over again, just in case he missed something the first time. The kiss was neverending though the desperation, instead of lessening, scaled higher. He could lift her into his arms, carry her into the house, rip every scrap of clothing from her delicious body and fuck for hours. Fuck. Well, fuck. The word wasn't exactly a bucket of cold water, the desperate heat running through his veins needed more than that. But it did lift the haze. If he didn't stop this right now, there would be no turning back." Tyler." The word sounded foreign, all guttural. His voice was hoarse with passion and his body was calling every swear word known to man. Why are you stopping? Beautiful woman. Willing. Her hands all over you. Right now she was reaching between his legs. The first caress was almost his undoing. It felt so good, so right. No could touch him like Tyler.The sexual haze enveloped him again. Don't fight it, his body urged. Feel her lips on your jaw, your neck. God. Her teeth biting your earlobe. That alone brought him close to going over the top. Damn his good intentions. Talking was way overrated. Pulling her in until their bodies were flush and he could feel every long, luscious inch of her–plastered against him. Drew was going in for another kiss when her words did what his own reasoning couldn't. It wasn't a bucket of cold water, it was a fire hose–turned on full blast." Fuck me, Drew. Right here, up against my car. Let's get this thing done, once and for all. . Mary J. Williams
Do you want to have to tell the doctor at the emergency room that the reason your wound opened up was because you couldn't keep your you know what in your pants." "First of all, I don't think I'd have to say you know what in front of the doctor. Mary J. Williams
Jack looked over to the foot of the bed to see Edgar watching them; head cocked to one side and tail wagging furiously. “You don’t think he saw us, do you? Mary J. Williams
Relax.” She soothed the rigid line of his jaw with her other hand. “I wouldn’t want you to ruin that beautiful smile by breaking some teeth.” “Then let go of my dick.” Sighing with obvious disappointment, Rose did as he asked. “Do you remember what you said to me the night you, you know, ” now was not the time to blush, “went down on me?” “Sweetheart, right now I’m having trouble remembering my name. Mary J. Williams
She drank in the sight of him, sure that anything so perfect had to be a dream. He seemed bigger with just a towel wrapped around his waist. It was amazing what wonders clothing could hide. Over six feet of long muscled male. Bronzed skin, lightly dusted with hair seemed to glow as he walked towards her. He moved like an athlete. Strong, confident strides that ate up the distance between them in no time. Her hands wanted to touch him, anywhere, everywhere. His impossibly flat, firm stomach seemed to call out for her mouth to trace the ridges; her tongue eagerly memorizing every smooth, muscled inch. “Lose the towel.” She wasn’t asking, she was pleading. Jack let the cloth fall to the floor. Eyes wide Rose gasped. Mother Nature had been very kind to Jack Winston, and she was about to be a very grateful beneficiary. “Rose, sweetheart, ” Jack stepped back when she would have touched him. “Oh, come on, Jack, ” she groaned in frustration. “I’ve been a very good girl. Now it’s time for my reward. Mary J. Williams
ROSE FELT LIKE she had a neon sign flashing over her head–looking for a one night stand, only sex gods need apply. Mary J. Williams
Ah, here’s my SUV.” He made sure her dress was tucked into the car before shutting her door. “I’ll wait for you just down the road and then you can follow me home. Oh, and Jack? This is a one night only invitation. If you’re not okay with that keep on driving. Mary J. Williams
Rose was drowning in pleasure like she’d never known, just from a kiss. Jack wasn’t touching her any place but on the lips and yet she could feel it on every inch of her body. Long, sure strokes of his tongue made her ache for him to explore the rest of her with equal thoroughness. She needed to touch him, why wasn’t she touching him? Mary J. Williams
She was feeling so much all at once and yet she wanted so much more. She wanted Jack–naked–now. “I’m going to leave you, Rose.” She heard the words, but it took a moment for the meaning to register. Leaving? Was He leaving? Mary J. Williams